So, we have enjoyed the fresh new start of a new year, celebrated the month of February, but now, can you believe it, March showed up at our front door; and April is coming up the walk way. She is shouting: “Move on in, and drag the old out, Spring cleaning is now here.” Then you see a squat team tripping over clothes and shoes, as they stumble into the bedroom closets and pulling out dresser drawers. Will we need a dump truck too?
No. No. It’s not time, as I gasp for air in a heap of clothes that I am now buried. Where to begin?
Well, some suggestions I would like to share with you all, are from a book from which, I spoke about, a few years ago to moms who needed help with cleaning their houses. The book is about the house that cleans itself. That sounds so great doesn’t it? Well here are a few tips I learned:
- Get all your supplies: gloves, trash bags, 3 boxes labeled: “keep, throw away, Give away”; home cleaning items: disinfectants, furniture polish, dust rags, vac etc.
- Start with your foyer, then living room. Have those ready for welcoming visitors at anytime.
- Choose your next rooms and get boxes ready. You may need a fourth box: “proper place” This box is for items not put away. For example, crayons, pens, Tommy’s PJ top, etc. that need to be placed in the proper rooms and drawers.
- As you clean a room, kitchen, dining room and bedrooms, you will want to clean and organize closets and drawers. Now we both know, that when doing spring cleaning, that means inside windows, curtains, bedding, etc. Soooo, it may take more than a few days to do a complete job.
- You will be so thrilled when your task of Spring cleaning is over. You will be ready for your fun summer ahead. The house smells good and looks great.
- Set some house rules for the family, including taking care of something you use, and put it back in the proper place. Your house will not stay perfect, but for the next few minutes or days, enjoy, and strive for keeping your house clean.
Now for the room we all live with wherever we go, and whatever we do. This room never leaves us. This valuable room is our head. The head is where our brain, our thought life, our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings make decisions for our behavior, our attitude, and everything else that lives in this room. Therefore, we need to clean it out:
- Throw away old worn out thoughts and attitudes.
- Get rid of your negative thoughts about yourself and others.
- Remove those opinions of what you think of yourself physically.
- Throw out some of the habits that affect your emotions, mental capacity, unhealthy snacks, drinks, drugs and smoking.
- Clean out some of the self-imposed decisions, such as items that are throw aways: bad relationships, too much time on the cell phone, computer, video games and TV.
Examine your life. Are you doing what you are gifted to do? Do you have peace and satisfaction? God made each of us with particular gifts and talents. Clean your head “room” to make space for things that will make you whole as an individual.
- Add new friends who will be a blessing to you and you to them.
- Feed your body with healthy foods, and to feel better, add some bodily exercise.
- Read your Bible, attend a Gospel preaching church, get involved in a charity project, and these will feed you spiritually.
- Your emotions may need to be evaluated. Your mental intake will affect you.
- Read some great encouraging books of history, famous Christians and how they lived their lives, patriarchs of the past. Feed your mind with classical music or music that calms the spirit.
- Pray, and allow God to be your best director, leader, guide, sustainer, a friend that will stay closer than a brother.
- Love God. Think on Him.
We could go on and on, but as you force your way out of a heap of clothes, or a heap in your head, remember you are the only you, that God made. He made you for a purpose, a plan, possibilities and He promises to be at your side for what He has for you. Enjoy your life, look at the positive of your life and let go of the ugly, and let God be a part of your life. You may be a mom, a college graduate, a doctor, lawyer, teacher, fireman, police officer, etc.
Go with God’s plan and be all you can be for Him.
Create in me a clean heart O God; and renew a right spirit with me . Psalm 51:10
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Prov. 3:5,6.
The House that Cleans Itself, Mindy Starns Clark.