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Greetings! You may have been visiting family or away on a business trip and you are back home. Perhaps, you and your family were on a two week vacation, and though you had a great time, but traveling back home is wonderful. Rather a trip North, South, East or West, there is something about getting back home to your regular schedule that sounds good to your ears. Many say they need to get back to work so they can rest after a vacation. Getting back to the real life.

That is what I have felt for the last two and a half years. I have been out of commission with my website. I have had 3 back surgeries within this time frame and have struggled getting my strength back and feeling the energy I once experienced. So I apologize for being out of sorts. But………. I am back! As long as the Lord gives me breath, I want to serve Him and fulfill what I can do to honor Him. I was a kindergarten teacher for 27 years and for the last several years, God has asked me to be a blessing and a help to moms and dads. Yes, if we can assist and give experienced advice to parents, that will prepare themselves to love and teach their children to become great country citizens and love God; we want to continue to help them, based on the wisdom we receive from God. Best of all, we want to connect with parents and lead them to have a personal relationship with Christ, be followers of His, and to raise their children to know and love God.

We all know the huge challenges we all face in our country today. We need to pray for mercy and grace for America or our sweet children are not going to have the safe and prosperous country of which we all grew up. Life is serious and never before are our liberties at stake. We have to protect our children and teach them the God given characteristics in the Bible to survive. We all need to stand for our rights, be courageous and fight for our children.

Yes, I am back wanting to be a blessing and encouragement to all of you. I was told by one of my doctors that the three surgeries did not take care of the back problems. That was very disappointing news for me and for my husband to take in and process. But, I was not created to be a quitter! My desire is to serve God until my work for Him is over. Until then, I am back. A verse in the Bible. which I have read often. I hope will be a help to you is found in Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Rather you have been away traveling, visiting a friend or family members, or maybe have faced some challenges that have re-arranged your life schedule; you can bounce back and life can be better as a result of it. Enjoy everyday God allows you to experience and give it all you can. Be a comeback Girl! I did!

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