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Joy in the Journey is our theme for our mom’s group for 2021-2022 year.

Joy in the Journey is our theme for our mom’s group for 2021-2022 year. Who would have thought this would need to be our theme in light of our challenges with a pandemic.

Our Journey in the past year has changed many things for our families. We have been quarantined, not able to attend big gatherings, and some have not been able to attend worship services because the church doors are closed, and not able to attend sports events. Parents have had to teach, or try to teach, their children through classes online. What a challenge we have all had. We have all felt, at some time during the year, that we might go crazy when we can’t go anywhere without our facial mask. A cheer for those who wear glasses and wear a mask at the same time.

Well, my question would be: “At any point did you have any joy while going through this new journey? The Bible verse that goes with this theme is:

Nehemiah 8:10.

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord; neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

What is very interesting and amazing about this theme is that while I was reading the book of Nehemiah in my daily devotions in December of 2019, the Lord gave this theme for the coming year of 2020. Who would have known what we would all be facing in 2020. Only God knew we would need the Lord to help us as we cared for our families, friends, co workers, and neighbors.

The following are some ideas for all of us to consider according to the above verse. Nehemiah, and the priests told the people to trust God’s Word, obey the law, and go on with your daily lives.

  1. Eat and drink. Go on with your daily duties and continue your routines with caring for your families, fix your meals, clean your house, do your laundry, teach and love your children. Care for your husband and be thankful that your needs are being met.
  2. Help those in need. Help prepare food, clothing, provide medical needs, show extra kindness to those who have nothing or are not prepared for unexpected circumstances. After all mom, are we not the ones, who are to show strength and be glad and joyful to help others. That is what we teach our children, to be kind, to share, and give a helping hand.
  3. Every day is special. Every day is given to us by God. None of us have the promise of another day, so therefore we should thank God for each new day. We have heard, of thousands of people who have died in our country alone, with the COVID. So every day the Lord gives us we need to make it special. Don’t be sorry, meaning, do not grieve or perhaps don’t dwell on the negativity of your day, but make the best of it. If your family members are still alive, fall to your knees and thank God for His protection.
  4. The Joy of the Lord is your strength. You can have joy in your heart and rehearse over and over again your blessings. When you can hear someone laugh, that is encouraging to our hearts. When we help someone who is struggling, that adds joy to our heart. When we hear someone say, ‘thank you’, that adds joy to our emotions and attitude. When we fix a meal for someone and see their sweet reactions, that adds joy to our strength. Joy is an individual choice. You get to choose what the atmosphere of your will be.
  5. When we complain, then we remain in our selfish condition.
  6. If we praise, we then will raise. It gives gratitude and expresses the sovereignty and divine nature and fullness to our Lord and Creator.

We need to believe what we say, when we tell people:

God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.

Joy in the Journey